Monday 17 September 2007



Mole likes moments when Tim was waiting. We talk about Warhol's Self-portraits. And filming sequences for Weddings when Mole went to the toilet and left the camera running. He asks Tim about putting his hands in his pockets. He says hold your hands in his pockets and keep them there until you have thought of the next thing you want to do. Then articulate something on the whiteboard. But give me enough time with your hands in your pockets. I want to write something down. I think we need to get out of this idea of how you perform as Tim with Reckless Sleepers. Which is about suppressed Englishness. Again.

Tim picks up his mobile phone and sets the timer. He stands there with his hands in his pockets. Mole is writing something down. Tim shifts on his feet. He looks at the board. He looks at the 'Performance ends at...' sign on the door. He says 'Of course the strange thing was I never got to see her face I only got to hear her voice over the tannoy thing. I thought this could be the last voice I ever hear. Later on I did get to meet her, I did get to put a face to the name. But I do remember the first word and the last word that she said and in the space of a few minutes. It was 'Hello' the first word she said and the last word was 'stop'.

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