Monday 10 December 2007

Les Dawson

We talk about what is real and what is pretending. Tim mentions Les Dawson having to play the piano perfectly in order to play it badly. Mole says Les Dawson lived round the corner from him in Blackpool. He says we need to know this show really well to look like we don't know what we're doing. Really not performing but there being some confusion about what's on stage but what's not onstage. What's already there. Witnessing something rather than watching a performance or being told to. Performances are meant to carry you through. With this you're always knocked back. It puts you back into the real world. The theatre. It doesn't carry you away into a magical world. We are conscious. Constantly. Of where we are. We're supposed to take you somewhere. But we're not. But we are. It's going to take us ages to work this one out.

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