Friday, 21 September 2007

Stuck in the future of the script

There are of course things we're just not telling you
There's supposed to be magic
Some mystery to what we're doing
We're supposed to take you somewhere else
And at this moment in time
We're still here
Still stuck in the future of the script
He will come on again in a minute
And we will move forwards
You will laugh at his appearance
But please don't
He will try hard
He will pull out all the stops
He will use all the tricks in the book
I haven't got long
So I just want to take this moment
To give you some details
Some clues
You see
When he's not around
I'm somebody
I'm someone who you can trust
I'm someone who makes you feel safe
But as soon as he comes back on
I'm nobody
I'm lost and confused
I'm not sure
I'm not sure who I am
Or to be more precise
I'm not sure who I want to be
He's coming

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