Tuesday, 18 September 2007



We construct histories for these objects. If you have an object what's it history? Where does it come from? Why have you made that choice? I'm starting to think about not having objects. I think it's going to be quite minimal. Because the object isn't there when we talk about it it's more open. It's not so fixed. I suppose that's about planting images. And planting the holes for the audience to fill. I've got two images of stools in my head. One of them in the kitchen which we use for Last Supper and one from my Mum and Dad's house. I've got a milking stool in my house. Or we are talking about giving a stool a history. Different stools. Different histories. Maybe it's the wrong stool and it's got the wrong history. You're looking for histories. Isn't that what it's all about? History. I imagine it's very much about present. When we perform it. Next week. It'll be about now. Being about this time and this place.

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