Tuesday, 18 September 2007

I'll be your dog


I'm conscious that I tell you to do something all the time. It's interesting that I became a dog. Even then I was telling you what to do. I don't want that to be the show. Or if it is then something else happens. That you don't do what I ask. So you're not always compliant. But I quite like being the dog. I quite like this beginning. In the time that I wrote this it's become a little random... You can hear your pattern there can't you - da da da da da da - what happens is I don't listen to what you say. I get hypnotised by how you say it. I think we did this in rehearsals in the early days. We'd have a bit of text and we'd steal it off each other. It's weird to be back doing it again. Sit down. Kneel down. Roll over. Play dead. I'm in the control booth. Tim is onstage. I think it sounds read. Read out and read around. Because it talks of writing and reading.

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