Its cold
You can do the rest
I feel a bit dry, and empty inside.
I’m empty
I’m nobody I'm an empty shell, a vacuous void, there is nothing inside no ideas nothing, nothing of any substance.
Come on check my pulse there is nothing
You're brilliant
Yes I’m brilliant
I'm brilliant at doing nothing
What are you doing?
We finish the ending. The end of the beginning anyway. Tim approaches the mic and tells Mole he is in London and Mole is in New York. Mole draws the tabs closed and finds his shoes. He walks around the space asking questions of objects around him. Is this my light? Is this my laptop? Is this my moment? Tim fetches a flood on a floor stand. Then a cable. Then switches the house lights off. By the time he gets to the lighting desk Mole is asking if Tim has interfered with his baggage. Tim says 'I think we get the idea' and turns on a cold, blue fresnel. This triggers the end. The nothing scene. And as we said at the beginning of last week the final image of the show is the first image. A man standing in a stage light doing nothing. This is the end. I think.
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