Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Ten paces behind you

So... I want to find a way of doing this without saying so...

So... at this point everything grinds to a halt. And at this point you're thinking what the fuck are they doing, what the fuck am I doing sitting here, what are they doing standing there...

How do you feel

This is torture really isn't it

I think you should do the Kofi Annann mime and I'll put a bag on my head...

[Someone walks in]

I think it's great people just wonder in...

And fucking look for about 30 seconds

Who are you?

I don't know where this is going Tim

You are nobody

I'm nobody. Convince me that I'm George...

Don't look at me look at him don't look at me look at him he's irrestible. I don't have a face. I'm nobody. He's the one you should be watching. Just go with the flow. Bastard. There's a bit more here. I think we need a bit more here. Ah fucking hell I've lost it.


I've lost everything...

What the fuck did that? Did you see that? The ghost chair?

I think that's right

I think we're

Are we?

It's just so hot

That should be you

Can I do this without my trousers

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