Tuesday, 19 February 2008

The return journey

You're supposed to be quiet. You're supposed to be paying attention. That's the rule. I speak. You listen. Because I'm standing here. It happens here and here and over here and over here

I think when we did this earlier we blocked it and you were moving around here

Yeah I know but I was trying something, something new...

I'm just trying to get my head around what it is

Something's missing. Just bear with us a second.


Someone's gonna walk in in a bit

Something happened I'm sure something happened and we've forgotten what it was

See when I did I did I err dance

It was after the dance

Was I was I was I really high was I

You could have been standing on something

Was it windy

I think so

The sun was out but it was windy

I can't remember

Was there traffic?


We were on our way somewhere.. we had to get somewhere... we're lost or were we trying to get lost. We followed a map.

That rings a bell

Was I angry with you was I walking ten paces behind you? Were you thinking about what was missing and what we've got?

It seemed really important but I can't remember

So do we know where we are

No where... where do you think you are...

I think... I think I'm in a night club...

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