Who the fuck are you?
What the fuck are you doing?
What are you
what are you
I'm anyone you want me to be
You can be John
You're John and you're dancing
Yeah that's good
Keep going
'She turns me on'
OK I get it now
you're John and you're dancing
You're You're You're in a night club
And you feel awkward
Do I?
You don't know whether this is the right song for this dance
You don't know whether this is the right dance for this song
You don't whether you should be doing this.
You wonder if you should study the movements of David Bowie before you start making movements like this.
You wonder whether anyone's looking at you
You wonder if you look cool if you look smart if you look sophisticated
You wonder if you look like you know what you're doing
But you don't
Is that it?
I think we're a bit stuck here
I don't think this is right
I can't remember what I should be doing here
I'm not sure where here is any more
I've forgotten what we should be doing
I'm just dancing
I'm dancing for a reason but I can't remember why
Just waiting for the end of the record
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