Thursday, 6 December 2007

There's something wrong

We do another work in progress to invited guests and someone arrives late - Mole tells Tim to open the door to let him in. When he sits down he turns to the person sitting next to him and asks 'Have they started yet?' Mole says 'We could go back to the beginning' and does a summary of the show so far for the person who came in late. A fast recap of where we are and what they imagine to be in the space. Sunglasses and flash bulbs and famous people. The audience is quiet. Mole sings Space Oddity and stops singing on the line 'There's something wrong' as if there is something wrong with the show. A recurring motif. Mole and Tim respond to all the sounds. Sirens outside and someone in the corridor making a racket. They turn to look. Mole says 'There's something wrong. This isn't right. This isn't how I want to be looked at'. It feels true to this audience. There's something wrong.

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